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About my data

All of my data comes from two telescopes and two cameras. I have the Askar 200mm F/4 Astrophotography camera lens and a Ritchey-Chretien 6" telescope that has a native focal length of 1370mm at f/9, but I usually run it with a reducer putting it at 940mm f/6.2. My two cameras are a full spectrum modded Canon Rebel T7i and an ASI 533MC Pro, 3.72um and 3.76um pixels respectively. For filters, I use an Astronomik clip-in UVIR cut for my DSLR and either a Svbony UVIR cut or SV220 (7nm Ha+Oiii) filters for my 533MC Pro. For the most part, the data from my newer astrocam is much cleaner and less noisy than the data from my DSLR, at the cost of FOV. The 533MC Pro sensor is pretty small, but I think the added sensitivity makes up for it. I have two mounts, a belt-modded HEQ5 Pro that I use with my RC6 and an Explore Scientific iEXOS100-2 that I use with my Askar lens. I made sure that all of the data on this site is at least decent and not totally awful, but pay attention to what filters are used and total integration to get the cleanest data! Also remember that drizzle 2x halves the pixel scale, so divide the pixel size by two for plate solving.

All files are 32-bit fits and have only had stacking artifacts cropped. All stacked with WBPP in PixInsight.

ASI533MC Pro Datasets


Target: M101 - Pinwheel Galaxy

Total Integration Time: 5.3 hours RGB 2.5 hours HA
Focal Length: 940mm
Pixel Size: 3.76µm
Filters: UVIR Cut,SVBony SV220(Ha+Oiii)
Date: 5/12/24


Target: M63 - Sunflower Galaxy

Total Integration Time: 2 hours
Focal Length: 940mm
Pixel Size: 3.76µm
Filters: UVIR Cut
Date: 5/11/24


Target: M44 - Beehive Cluster

Total Integration Time: 30 minutes
Focal Length: 940mm
Pixel Size: 3.76µm
Filters: UVIR Cut
Date: 3/13/24


Target: Virgo Supercluster of galaxies

Total Integration Time: 2.5 hours
Focal Length: 200mm
Pixel Size: 3.76µm
Filters: UVIR Cut
Date: 3/11/24


Target: IC2169 - Dreyers Nebula

Total Integration Time: 2.6 hours
Focal Length: 200mm
Pixel Size: 3.76µm
Filters: UVIR Cut
Date: 12/11/2023


Target: NGC6960 - Veil Nebula

Total Integration Time: 9.45 hours
Focal Length: 200mm
Pixel Size: 3.76µm
Filters: SV220 Ha+Oiii
Date: 9/30/2023-10/1/2023


Target: IC410 - Tadpoles and Flaming Star

Total Integration Time: 8 hours
Focal Length: 200mm
Pixel Size: 3.76µm
Filters: SV220 Ha+Oiii
Date: 9/30/2023-10/1/2023


Target: M33 - Triangulam Galaxy

Total Integration Time: 7.3 hours
Focal Length: 200mm
Pixel Size: 3.76µm
Filters: UVIR Cut
Date: 8/19/2023 - 9/10/2023

Canon Rebel T7i Datasets


Target: Cave, Bubble, Lobster Nebulae Widefield

Total Integration Time: 4.5 hours
Focal Length: 200mm
Pixel Size: 3.72µm
Filters: UVIR Cut
Date: 7/30/2023


Target: NGC7000 - North America Nebula

Total Integration Time: 3.83 hours
Focal Length: 200mm
Pixel Size: 3.72µm
Date: 7/25/2023


Target: IC1396 - Elephant's Trunk

Total Integration Time: 12 hours
Focal Length: 200mm
Pixel Size: 3.72µm
Filters: UVIR Cut
Date: 7/9/2023-7/22/2023